woensdag 23 november 2011

Succesful Hosted TFS Event at VISUG by Hassan Fadili at Microsoft Belgium

On Tuesday November 22th, VISUG User Group has hosted an event at Microsoft Belgium about Hosted TFS by Hassan Fadili see http://www.visug.be/Eventdetails/tabid/95/EventId/48/Default.aspx. This event was very interactive and many as 60 people have taken part. The topic was about Build, Relase and Deploy with TFS2011 and MS Deploy. A combination of Slides and Demo's was perfect to explain this common mechanism for developers.

To learn more about this topic check the earlier article pubished by Hassan Fadili for Software Developer Network Community at:

If you have questions/Suggestions or thoughts about this topic, feel free to contact me by E-mail: hassanfad11@hotmail.com and/or via Twitter: @HassanFad

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